Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Bugatti Hood in detail

In a previous post I mentioned the versatility of the Bugatti Hood. I finally took some photos of the different configurations to illustrate this point. The two shots below are with the cover and side windows in place (for me though I still have to lower the bench seat so my eldest is not hunched over whilst inside this on a rainy day!) If you zoom in on the photo you can see the numerous clips that allow you to firmly attach the cover to the side windows.

One or both of the side windows can be removed if you wish to use the cover as a sun shade in summer whilst allowing cross ventilation. In my normal riding I have the cover rolled back and tucked in front of the handlebars and leave the side windows in place. The clips that are used to attach the cover to the side windows also aid in rolling up the cover and keeping it in place.

The hood can also be used as a wind break as seen in the next two front and rear photos. Here the boys can still pop their heads out but are fairly well protected from the biting cold winds that our town is famous for. Again the clips are positioned in such a way to ensure the cover remains where you want it to be.

The only downside to the cover is that the cold wind can be deflected up to the person riding the bike but hey at least the kids are warm (and it is all about the kids isn't it!)

Also when using the Bugatti cover I had to move the child's step from the rear of the box to the front. Kids can't really climb in through the high points of the side windows (closest to the handlebars) unless you keep taking the windows off when they hop in and out.


  1. Hi. Reading your whole blog and realise I'm posting to a very old post. Hope you see this.

    I see you state here that you live in a windy area. I live in a very flat but very very windy area. I am thinking of getting a Christiania trike to cycle my children to preschool mainly (12 miles total per day). I am not sure whether getting the electric assist is necessary. We have no hills but the wind can be very hard work even when walking. Can I ask for your opinion? Thanks.

    1. The wind here is more cold then strong! I have never had any trouble pedalling on flat ground without the motor but then have never really had such a strong headwind as you mention in your post. If it is very windy then I can see it would be a bit harder going as there is quite a bit of frontal surface area on the trike but really it is the hills that are the killer if you have some weight in the box. At the end of the day it really depends if you wish to invest the extra money upfront in electric assist if you think it will help? Can you borrow a normal bike and a kiddie trailer to see how cycling in the headwind is in your area as that may give you a close comparison?

  2. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Thanks Aaron. No one we can borrow from near here but I have a rest rode booked this Saturday so will see how we get on. We currently cycle with a child seat but I'm wary of the greater surface area of the box. Thanks again.
